在本教程中,我们将讨论 Python 程序如何只接受包含每个元音的字符串。
Input string1: AEIaeiytstwI
Output: Not Accepted
Reason: All vowels except 'o' and 'u' are not present in the Input string1
Input string2: AbCdEfHiMnOtUv
Output: Accepted
Reason: All vowels are present.
首先,我们将使用 set()函数创建一组元音。然后我们将检查字符串的每个字符是否是元音。如果字符是元音,我们将把它添加到集合“string_1”中。从循环中出来后,我们将检查集合“string_1”的长度。只有当长度“string_1”设置等于“元音 _1”字符串的长度时,该字符串才会被接受;否则,它将不接受该字符串。
方法 1:
def check(string):
string = string.lower()
# The set() function will be used for converting "aeiou" string into set of
vowel_1 = set("aeiou")
# The set() function will convert the empty dictionary into an empty set
string_1 = set({})
# The we will loop through each character of the string
for character_1 in string:
# Now, it will check if the character is present inside the "vowel_1" set or
# If the characters are present, then it will add into the "string_1" set by
#using "add" method
if character_1 in vowel_1 :
# Then, it will check if the length of "string_1" set is equal to the length of
# "vowel_1" set or not.
if len(string_1) == len(vowel_1) :
print ("The string is Accepted")
else :
print ("The string is Not Accepted")
# Driver code
if __name__ == "__main__" :
string = str (input ("Enter the String of characters: "))
# Calling function
Enter the String of characters: aideiofguhs
The string is Accepted
Enter the String of characters: aideiofghs
The string is Not Accepted
上面的程序将检查插入的字符串字符,如果字符与元音字符匹配,它将把它添加到 string_1 集合中,如果字符不是元音,它将传递到下一个。
那么我们提出了这样的条件:如果 string_1 的长度不等于元音 _1 的长度,那么这个字符串将不被接受。但是如果 string_1 的长度等于元音 _1 的长度,它就会接受这个字符串。
方法 2:
def check(string):
string = string.replace(' ', " ")
string = string.lower()
vowel_1 = [string.count('a'), string.count('e'), string.count(
'i'), string.count('o'), string.count('u')]
# If 0 is present in vowel count array
if vowel_1.count(0) > 0:
return('The string is Not Accepted')
return('The string is Accepted')
# Driver code
if __name__ == "__main__":
string = str (input ("Enter the String of characters: "))
print (check(string))
Enter the String of characters: "aiD" 'OeiUo' fg "FGu" hs
The string is Accepted
Enter the String of characters: 'aidE' "I" 'eiIOo' "fgHYK" 'hs'
The string is Not Accepted
在上面的代码中,我们使用了这样的条件:如果元音计数数组中存在 0,则字符串将不被接受。但是如果 0 不存在,并且字符串包含所有元音,则该字符串将被接受。
方法 3:
def check(string):
if len (set (string.lower()).intersection("aeiou")) >= 5:
return ("The string is Accepted")
return ("The string is Not Accepted")
# Driver code
if __name__ == "__main__":
string = str (input ("Enter the String of characters: "))
print (check(string))
Enter the String of characters: gIrwi aTheDy uKmtR wmsof
The string is Accepted
Enter the String of characters: aidc Eie iIOof gH YKhs
The string is Not Accepted
在上面的代码中,我们使用了这样的条件:如果字符串的长度大于或等于元音 _1 的长度,即 5,并且包含所有的元音。那么它会接受字符串;否则,它将不接受该字符串。
在本教程中,我们展示了如何编写一个 Python 程序来接受包含所有元音字符的字符串。对于特定字符的不同类型的条件,用户也可以使用相同的代码。我们已经解释了相同的不同方法。