
Python 中不使用第三变量交换两个数的不同方法

在本教程中,我们将讨论在 Python 程序中交换两个变量(n1 和 n2)而不使用第三个变量的不同方法。


P: 112
Q: 211
After swapping P and Q:
P: 211
Q: 112

方法 1:通过使用内置方法


Left, Right = Right, Left


P = JavaTpoint
Q = Tutorial

print ("Variables Value Before Swapping: ")
print ("Value of P: ", P) 
print ("Value of Q: ", Q)

# Method to swap 'P' and 'Q'
P, Q = Q, P

print ("Variables Value After Swapping: ")
print ("Value of P: ", P) 
print ("Value of Q: ", Q)


Variables Value Before Swapping: 
Value of P:  JavaTpoint
Value of Q:  Tutorial
Variables Value After Swapping: 
Value of P:  Tutorial
Value of Q:  JavaTpoint

方法 2:通过使用按位异或运算符

按位异或方法仅适用于整数,并且它的工作速度更快,因为它使用的位操作是针对相同的值结果= 0 和不同的值结果= 1。

P ^= Q
Q ^= P
P ^= Q


P = 5 # P = 0101
Q = 10 # Q = 1010

print ("Variables Value Before Swapping: ")
print ("Value of P: ", P) 
print ("Value of Q: ", Q)

# Method to swap 'P' and 'Q'
P ^= Q # P = 1111, Q = 1010
Q ^= P # Q = 0101, P = 1111
P ^= Q # P = 1010, Q = 0101

print ("Variables Value After Swapping: ")
print ("Value of P: ", P) 
print ("Value of Q: ", Q)


Variables Value Before Swapping: 
Value of P:  5
Value of Q:  10
Variables Value After Swapping: 
Value of P:  10
Value of Q:  5

方法 3:通过使用加法和减法运算符


P = P + Q
Q = P - Q
P = P - Q


P = 112
Q = 211

print ("Variables Value Before Swapping: ")
print ("Value of P: ", P) 
print ("Value of Q: ", Q)

# Method to swap 'P' and 'Q'
P = P + Q # P = 323, Q = 211
Q = P - Q # P = 323, Q = 112
P = P - Q # P = 211, Q = 112

print ("Variables Value After Swapping: ")
print ("Value of P: ", P) 
print ("Value of Q: ", Q)


Variables Value Before Swapping: 
Value of P:  112
Value of Q:  211
Variables Value After Swapping: 
Value of P:  112
Value of Q:  211

方法 4:通过使用乘法和除法运算符

此方法只能用于除 0 以外的数值。

P = P * Q
Q = P / Q
P = P / Q


P = 11.2
Q = 21.1

print ("Variables Value Before Swapping: ")
print ("Value of P: ", P) 
print ("Value of Q: ", Q)

# Method to swap 'P' and 'Q'
P = P * Q # P = 236.32, Q = 21.1
Q = P / Q # P = 236.32, Q = 11.2 
P = P / Q # P = 21.1, Q = 11.2

print ("Variables Value After Swapping: ")
print ("Value of P: ", P) 
print ("Value of Q: ", Q)


Variables Value Before Swapping: 
Value of P:  11.2
Value of Q:  21.1
Variables Value After Swapping: 
Value of P:  21.1
Value of Q:  11.2

方法 5:通过使用按位运算符和算术运算符



P = 112
Q = 211

print ("Variables Value Before Swapping: ")
print ("Value of P: ", P) 
print ("Value of Q: ", Q)

# Same as P = P + Q
P = (P & Q) + (P | Q) ;

# Same as Q = P - Q
Q = P + (~Q) + 1 ;

# Same as P = P - Q
P = P + (~Q) + 1 ;

print ("Variables Value After Swapping: ")
print ("Value of P: ", P) 
print ("Value of Q: ", Q)


Variables Value Before Swapping: 
Value of P:  112
Value of Q:  211
Variables Value After Swapping: 
Value of P:  211
Value of Q:  112

