写一个 Python 程序,用一个例子找到菱形的周长。这个 Python 示例允许菱形边并计算菱形周长。
# Python Program to find Rhombus Perimeter
rhombusSide = float(input("Enter the Rhombus Side = "))
rhombusPerimeter = 4 * rhombusSide
print("The Perimeter of a Rhombus = %.3f" %rhombusPerimeter)
Enter the Rhombus Side = 23
The Perimeter of a Rhombus = 92.000
在这个 Python 程序中,cal 菱形周长计函数查找并返回菱形周长。
# Python Program to find Rhombus Perimeter
def calRhombusPerimeter(side):
return 4 * side
rhombusSide = float(input("Enter the Rhombus Side = "))
rhombusPerimeter = calRhombusPerimeter(rhombusSide)
print("The Perimeter of a Rhombus = %.3f" %rhombusPerimeter)