在分子遗传学中,CDS序列是代表编码蛋白质的部分,是完整的编码序列。CDS是Coding Sequence的缩写,即编码序列。CDS通常是从起始密码子(AUG)到终止密码子(UAA,UAG,UGA)之间的所有核苷酸序列。因此,CDS可以唯一地描述一个蛋白质的氨基酸序列,是进行遗传变异和系统发育分析的关键基础。
1. NCBI在线工具提取
NCBI提供了一种在线工具,可以将给定基因的CDS序列提取出来。用户只需要提供该基因在NCBI数据库中的ID或AC(Accession Number)即可。下面是一个Python程序,利用Biopython库实现了同样的功能:
from Bio import SeqIO from Bio.Seq import Seq from Bio.Alphabet import generic_dna # 读取基因组序列 genome_seq = SeqIO.read("genome_seq.fasta", "fasta") # 读取基因注释信息 gene_annotation = open("gene_annotation.gff") # 遍历每一个基因,提取CDS序列 for record in SeqIO.parse(gene_annotation, "gff"): if record.type == "gene": gene_seq = genome_seq[record.start:record.end] cds_seq = Seq("", generic_dna) for feature in record.features: if feature.type == "CDS": cds_seq += feature.extract(gene_seq) # output CDS seq here
2. 已知基因组和基因注释信息的情况下,直接提取
from Bio import SeqIO from Bio.Seq import Seq from Bio.Alphabet import generic_dna # 读取基因组序列 genome_seq = SeqIO.read("genome_seq.fasta", "fasta") # 读取基因注释文件 gene_annotation = open("gene_annotation.gff") # 遍历每一个基因,提取CDS序列 for line in gene_annotation: if line.startswith("#"): continue fields = line.strip().split("\t") if fields[2] == "CDS": gene_seq = genome_seq[ int(fields[3])-1 : int(fields[4]) ] if fields[6] == "-": gene_seq = gene_seq.reverse_complement() cds_seq = Seq("", generic_dna) for i in range(7, len(fields)): if fields[i].startswith("Parent="): parent = fields[i][7:] for line2 in gene_annotation: if line2.startswith("#"): continue fields2 = line2.strip().split("\t") if (fields2[2] == "mRNA" or fields2[2] == "transcript") and fields2[8].find(parent) != -1: transcript_seq = genome_seq[ int(fields2[3])-1 : int(fields2[4]) ] if fields2[6] == "-": transcript_seq = transcript_seq.reverse_complement() cds_seq += gene_seq[len(gene_seq) - ( int(fields[4]) - int(fields2[4]) ) : len(gene_seq) - ( int(fields[3]) - int(fields2[4]) )] break # output CDS seq here
1. 基于CDS序列预测蛋白质结构与功能
import requests # 获取CDS序列 cds_seq = "ATGATGAACAGGACTG..." # 使用Phyre2预测蛋白质结构 response = requests.post('https://www.sbg.bio.ic.ac.uk/phyre2/webscripts/phyre2_server.cgi', data={ 'seq': cds_seq, 'output': 'json', 'email': 'example@example.com' }) # 获取结果 result = response.json()
2. 比较不同物种的CDS序列差异
from Bio import SeqIO from Bio.Seq import Seq from Bio.Alphabet import generic_dna from Bio.Blast import NCBIWWW from Bio.Blast import NCBIXML # 读取基因组序列和基因注释文件 genome_seq1 = SeqIO.read("genome1.fasta", "fasta") genome_seq2 = SeqIO.read("genome2.fasta", "fasta") gene_annotation1 = open("gene_annotation1.gff") gene_annotation2 = open("gene_annotation2.gff") # 遍历每一个基因,提取CDS序列,并用BLAST比对 for line in gene_annotation1: if line.startswith("#"): continue fields = line.strip().split("\t") if fields[2] == "CDS": gene_seq1 = genome_seq1[ int(fields[3])-1 : int(fields[4]) ] if fields[6] == "-": gene_seq1 = gene_seq1.reverse_complement() cds_seq1 = Seq("", generic_dna) for i in range(7, len(fields)): if fields[i].startswith("Parent="): parent = fields[i][7:] for line2 in gene_annotation1: if line2.startswith("#"): continue fields2 = line2.strip().split("\t") if (fields2[2] == "mRNA" or fields2[2] == "transcript") and fields2[8].find(parent) != -1: transcript_seq1 = genome_seq1[ int(fields2[3])-1 : int(fields2[4]) ] if fields2[6] == "-": transcript_seq1 = transcript_seq1.reverse_complement() cds_seq1 += gene_seq1[len(gene_seq1) - ( int(fields[4]) - int(fields2[4]) ) : len(gene_seq1) - ( int(fields[3]) - int(fields2[4]) )] break result_handle = NCBIWWW.qblast("blastn", "nt", str(cds_seq1)) blast_record = NCBIXML.read(result_handle) for alignment in blast_record.alignments: for hsp in alignment.hsps: if hsp.expect < 0.001: print("****Alignment****") print("sequence:", alignment.title) print("length:", alignment.length) print("e-value:", hsp.expect) print(hsp.query[0:75] + "...") print(hsp.match[0:75] + "...") print(hsp.sbjct[0:75] + "...") print("\n\n\n") for line in gene_annotation2: ...