




1  photograph


2 aerial phptograph


3 principal point of photograph


4 tilt angle of photograph


5 oblique photograph


6 verical photograph





$mail = new phpmailer();//创建对象

$mail-From = "list@example.com";//给对象的属性赋值,就是发件人的邮箱地址

$mail-FromName = "List manager";//发件人的名称

$mail-Host = "smtp1.example.com;smtp2.example.com";//邮件主机的smtp地址

$mail-Mailer = "smtp";




$query = "SELECT full_name, email,爌hoto焖ROM employee燱HERE爄d=$id";

$result =燖MYSQL_QUERY($query);

while ($row = mysql_fetch_array ($result))


// HTML body

$body = "Hello font size=\"4\"" . $row["full_name"] . "/font, p";

$body .= "iYour/i personal photograph to this message.p";

$body .= "Sincerely, br";

$body .= "phpmailer List manager";

// Plain text body (for mail clients that cannot read HTML)

$text_body = "Hello " . $row["full_name"] . ", \n\n";

$text_body .= "Your personal photograph to this message.\n\n";

$text_body .= "Sincerely, \n";

$text_body .= "phpmailer List manager";


$mail-Body = $body;

$mail-AltBody = $text_body;

$mail-AddAddress($row["email"], $row["full_name"]);//注意这个就是收件人,

$mail-AddStringAttachment($row["photo"], "YourPhoto.jpg");


echo "There has been a mail error sending to " . $row["email"] . "br";

// Clear all addresses and attachments for next loop






Examples using phpmailer

1. Advanced Example

This demonstrates sending out multiple email messages with binary attachments from a MySQL database with multipart/alternative support.


$mail = new phpmailer();

$mail-From = "list@example.com";

$mail-FromName = "List manager";

$mail-Host = "smtp1.example.com;smtp2.example.com";

$mail-Mailer = "smtp";



$query = "SELECT full_name, email,爌hoto焖ROM employee燱HERE爄d=$id";

$result =燖MYSQL_QUERY($query);

while ($row = mysql_fetch_array ($result))


// HTML body

$body = "Hello font size=\"4\"" . $row["full_name"] . "/font, p";

$body .= "iYour/i personal photograph to this message.p";

$body .= "Sincerely, br";

$body .= "phpmailer List manager";

// Plain text body (for mail clients that cannot read HTML)

$text_body = "Hello " . $row["full_name"] . ", \n\n";

$text_body .= "Your personal photograph to this message.\n\n";

$text_body .= "Sincerely, \n";

$text_body .= "phpmailer List manager";

$mail-Body = $body;

$mail-AltBody = $text_body;

$mail-AddAddress($row["email"], $row["full_name"]);

$mail-AddStringAttachment($row["photo"], "YourPhoto.jpg");


echo "There has been a mail error sending to " . $row["email"] . "br";

// Clear all addresses and attachments for next loop




2. Extending phpmailer

Extending classes with inheritance is one of the most powerful features of object-oriented programming. It allows you to make changes to the original class for your own personal use without hacking the original classes. Plus, it is very easy to do. I've provided an example:

Here's a class that extends the phpmailer class and sets the defaults for the particular site:

PHP include file: mail.inc.php


class my_phpmailer extends phpmailer {

// Set default variables for all new objects

var $From = "from@example.com";

var $FromName = "Mailer";

var $Host = "smtp1.example.com;smtp2.example.com";

var $Mailer = "smtp"; // Alternative to IsSMTP()

var $WordWrap = 75;

// Replace the default error_handler

function error_handler($msg) {

print("My Site Error");


printf("%s", $msg);



// Create an additional function

function do_something($something) {

// Place your new code here



Now here's a normal PHP page in the site, which will have all the defaults set above:

Normal PHP file: mail_test.php


// Instantiate your new class

$mail = new my_phpmailer;

// Now you only need to add the necessary stuff

$mail-AddAddress("josh@example.com", "Josh Adams");

$mail-Subject = "Here is the subject";

$mail-Body = "This is the message body";

$mail-AddAttachment("c:/temp/11-10-00.zip", "new_name.zip"); // optional name



echo "There was an error sending the message";



echo "Message was sent successfully";



/dede 管理后台目录

/freelist 自由文档列表生成目录

/html 默认文章生成目录

/include 程序核心文件目录

/member 会员管理目录

/plus 插件及辅助功能目录

/setup 安装目录

/special 专题生成目录

/templets 默认模板存放目录

/upimg 上传下载文件保存目录

base.css 基本样式表

index.php 网站默认首页

robots.txt 搜索控制文件 article_article.htm 普通文章页面模板

article_default.htm 一般文档页面模板

article_flash.htm flash页面模板

article_image.htm 图集页面模板

article_soft.htm 软件页面模板

article_spec.htm 专题页面模板

index.htm 网站首页模板

index_article.htm 文章频道封面模板




index_default.htm 一般文档封面模板

index_flash.htm flash频道封面模板

index_image.htm 图集频道封面模板

index_soft.htm 软件频道封面模板

list_article.htm 文章列表模板

list_default.htm 一般文档列表目录模板

list_flash.htm flash文档列表模板

list_free.htm 自由列表模板

list_image.htm 图集列表模板

list_soft.htm 软件列表模板

list_spec.htm 专题列表模板

/img 模板图片目录(含样式表) download_links_templet.htm 下载链接模板

feedback_confirm.htm 评论确认模板

feedback_templet.htm 用户评论模板


flink-add.htm 友情链接添加模板

flink-list.htm 友情链接列表模板

guestbook.htm 留言本模板

heightsearch.htm 高级搜索模板


recommend.htm 推荐好友模板

rss.htm RSS的XML模板

rssmap.htm RSS订阅文件

showphoto.htm 图片显示模板

sitemap.htm 网站地图模板

view_msg.htm 会员提示信息模板

vote.htm 投票结果显示模板 channel_list.htm 栏目列表系统模板

list_fulllist.htm 文档列表系统模板

mynews.htm 站内新闻系统模板

part_arclist.htm 文章列表系统模板

part_autochannel.htm 分类栏目系统模板

part_channelartlist.htm 包含文章列表的栏目系统模板

part_imginfolist.htm 使用imginfolist标签调用的模板

part_imglist.htm 使用imglist标签调用的模板

part_type_list.htm 单个栏目的系统模板

spec_arclist.htm 专题列表文章系统模板

spec_list.htm 专题用模板


tag_fieldlist.htm fieldlist用系统模板

/system/channel 频道特殊底层模板目录

channel_downlinkpage.htm 下载地址列表链接模板

channel_downlinks.htm 下载地址列表模板

channel_spec_note.htm 专题节点列表模板 config_base.php 环境定义文件。用于检测系统环境,定义工作目录,保存数据库链接信息,引入常用函数等,建议不要修改。

config_hand.php 系统配置文件。定义系统常用的配置信息定义,可从后台管理直接生成该文件。

config_passport.php 通行证文件

config_rglobals.php 检测系统外部变量

config_rglobals_magic.php 同上

inc_archives_view.php 用于浏览文档或对文档生成HTML

inc_arclist_view.php 用于浏览频道列表或对内容列表生成HTML

inc_arcmember_view.php 用于浏览会员发布的文档

inc_arcpart_view.php 用于解析和创建全局性质的模板,如频道封面,主页,单个页面等

inc_arcsearch_view.php 用于文档搜索

inc_arcspec_view.php 用于浏览所有专题列表或对专题列表生成HTML

inc_channel_unit.php 用户解析特定频道的附加数据结构信息

inc_channel_unit_functions.php 系统共用函数集合

inc_downclass.php 防采集随机字符串函数

inc_freelist_view.php 用于对特定内容列表生成HTML

inc_functions.php 可供用户使用的函数集合

inc_imgbt.php GetTypeidSelMember

inc_memberlogin.php 用于用户登录及获得会员状态

inc_photograph.php 用于处理系统中的图片,例如水印,缩略图等

inc_photowatermark_config.php 图片处理参数定义

inc_rss_view.php 用于浏览频道RSS或对RSS生成静态文件

inc_separate_functions.php SpGetArcList函数,用于获得文档列表

inc_sitemap.php 用于生成网站地图

inc_type_tree.php 用于选择栏目的目录树

inc_type_tree_member.php 同上,会员使用

inc_typelink.php 用于显示文章的位置和栏目位置等

inc_typeunit_admin.php 用于频道管理时的一些复杂操作,主要用于后台

inc_typeunit_menu.php 同上

inc_userlogin.php 用于管理员登录

inc_vote.php 用于管理投票

jump.php 用于超链接跳转

pub_charset.php 共用字符处理函数,GB/UTF-8/Unicode/BIG5等互换

pub_collection.php 用于采集

pub_collection_functions.php 采集用函数

pub_datalist.php 后台管理用数据列表

pub_datalist_dm.php 同上,不使用模板

pub_db_mysql.php 用于操作数据库

pub_dedehtml2.php 用于采集中的HTML解析

pub_dedehtml.php HTML解析器

pub_dedetag.php 用于dede模板标签解析

pub_httpdown.php 用于下载http中的资源

pub_oxwindow.php 后台程序扩展

pub_splitword_ 织梦分词算法

validateimg.php 验证码

vdimgck.php 验证码 inc_fun_funAdmin.php 获取拼音码等函数

inc_fun_funString.php html代码处理等函数

inc_fun_SpGetArcList.php 获取文档列表SpGetArcList



August Festivals

Oregon Shakespeare Festival. Ashland, Oregon,February 16th桹ctober 28th. This long festival is a wonderful way to enjoy live theater on Tuesdays through Sundays. This season, you can see plays such as Shakespeare抯 As You Like It or Romeo and Juliet or other classics such as August Wilson's Gem of the Ocean. On most days, you may also take a backstage tour or discuss the plays with the actors and directors during the lecture series.

Ashland is a beautiful city, right in the middle of the Siskiyou Mountains. When you are not seeing plays, you might want to explore, hike, swim, fish梠r ski in the winter. Ashland is just 350 miles north of San Francisco, or 285 miles south of Portland.

Tickets for the performances cost $30.00 to $65.00. Visit the website: Mail or phone ticket orders. OSF 15 S. Pioneer St., Ashland, OR 97520. Phone: 541-482-0446

September Festivals

Stonewall Jackson Heritage Arts and Crafts Jubilee. Weston, West Virginia. September 1st - September 3rd (Labor Day weekend). Stonewall Jackson was a Southern general in the Civil War. The American Civil War lasted from 1861-1865. The war started because eleven Southern states left the United States and started their own country. The North won the war and the South became part of the U.S. again. At the Jubilee Festival, actors will re-enact one of the battles in which Stonewall Jackson fought.

You may learn more about the Civil War at the festival. You may also buy American handmade crafts such as pottery, jewelry and quilts. If you like old-time American country music, you may hear instruments such as the fiddle, dulcimer, and banjo. Other activities include a pie-baking contest, a fine arts and photograph exhibit, a parade, and square dancing. Children may like to pet, or touch, animals at the zoo.

Stonewall Jackson Heritage Jubilee, P.O. Box 956, Weston, WV 26452. 304-269-1863 or (toll free) 800-296-1863. info@jubileewv.com,

October Festivals

Alaska Day. Sitka, Alaska. October 18th.

Alaska is next to the northwest part of Canada -- farther north than any other state. At first, only Eskimos lived in Alaska. Many lived in houses made of snow and ice; they hunted fish and seals. Then the Russians came in to hunt the seals; the fur from the seals was made into beautiful coats and hats. In time, Alaska became part of Russia.

Alaska belonged to Russia until October 18th, 1865. The U.S. paid Russia $7.2 million for the land. Many Americans thought buying Alaska was a big mistake. They said the land was good for nothing. But in 1897, people found gold in Alaska; many Americans rushed to find some gold for themselves. Only a few became rich; but others stayed in Alaska because they liked the land.

Eskimos and old Russian families still live in Alaska. But most Alaskans are from other parts of the U.S. Alaska is most famous for Mt. McKinley, or Mt. Denali梩he highest mountain in North America. Sitka is near the Tongass National Forest, where you may fish, hike, kayak or canoe, or just look at the beautiful mountains. Sitka also has many beautiful buildings from the days when Alaska was part of Russia.

Alaska Day festival celebrates the day when Alaska became part of the U.S.桹ct. 18th. The three main events are:

a parade

a re-enactment ceremony, or ceremony like the one when Alaska became part of America

a dance where people dress up like they did 135 years ago

Sitka Convention and Visitors Bureau, 907-747-5940. For more information about Sitka, contact the Chamber of Commerce at . 907-747-5940, PO Box 1226, Sitka, AK 99835

November Festivals

Thanksgiving in Plymouth, Massachusetts. 4th Thursday in November. The Plimouth Plantation has streets and shops that are like an old Pilgrim village. After you have visited the village, you can walk onto a ship that is like the Mayflower梩he ship that the Pilgrims used to come to America. The people at the plantation dress up like Pilgrims; you can talk to them and ask them questions. You can also visit Pilgrim Hall while you are in Plymouth; it is one of the oldest museums in America.

If you are in Plymouth on Thanksgiving Day, you may eat a meal like the Pilgrims had on this feast day. But make a reservation - soon.You may also make reservations for meals on other days in October and November.

Note: By the way, the name "Plimouth" is the spelling used for the plantation. The town is spelled "Plymouth." "Plimouth" is an old-fashioned spelling dating from the 17th century; in those times, there were no rules for spelling and each writer did as he or she pleased. Today, people began to using this spelling for the plantation so readers could tell the difference between the plantation and the town ("Plymouth."). But the old settlement is spelled "Plymouth" in history books. Plimouth Plantation, Phone: 1-800-USA(872)-1620.



You may learn more about American culture in Hello! USA, a survival guide on everyday living in the U.S. Look for "Author's Favorites" in the introduction, which tells about "Foods I love" and "Good times I've had" in all parts of the country. This section also includes maps of all the states, major cities and their climates, and the distances between them.

To see the complete Table of Contents and an excerpt, click on the 揃ooks?section on this site; to order, click on the 揙rder Form?section.

?Hello! USA) answers every basic thing one must know about how to live, travel, shop, play, and work in the United States.?Mobility Magazine


Judy Priven is the Founder and President of Hello! America, Inc., which specializes in international relocation publications. Judy is the award-winning author of many books on international relocation and English language skills. For example, the newly revised Hello! USA explains American life and language to international newcomers. StaySafe!!, a 16-page booklet, gives Americans tips on staying safe when traveling internationally. Judy gives seminars on everyday living in the U.S. to international students, corporate employees, and both foreign and returning American diplomats.