





memories 、perfect picture 、far away from homemy happy ending、wish you were here、god is a girl、when you're gone 、漂亮男孩英文版



钢琴曲 - 浪客剑心抒情插曲(全世界最好听的音乐).mp3

钢琴曲 - Kiss The Rain 雨的印记.mp3

钢琴曲 - Sorry,I Love You 对不起,我爱你.mp3

钢琴曲 - Sundial Dreams.mp3

钢琴曲 - 风筝与风-twins(流行恋曲(钢琴集) vol.1).mp3

钢琴曲 - 绵雪 绝对优美的轻音乐好听.mp3

钢琴曲 - 秋的喁语.mp3

钢琴曲 - 童年(水晶轻音乐).mp3

钢琴曲 - 忧伤还是快乐.mp3

钢琴曲 -痛苦的心.mp3

钢琴曲 - Brightness S E N Wish.mp3

钢琴曲 - Connies butterfly.mp3

钢琴曲 - Daydream白日梦-3 Beautiful Lady (美丽女子).mp3

钢琴曲 - I miss you.mp3

钢琴曲 - Kiss The Rain(现场协奏版).mp3

钢琴曲 - River Flows In You.mp3

钢琴曲 - 假如爱有天意.mp3

钢琴曲 - 梦中的婚礼.mp3

钢琴曲 - 孙燕姿-天黑黑.mp3

钢琴曲 - 印象.mp3

钢琴曲 - 小城大事.mp3

钢琴曲 - Destiny of Love.mp3

钢琴曲 - K歌之王.mp3

钢琴曲 - 比阿特丽克斯.mp3

钢琴曲 - 淡淡的忧伤.mp3

钢琴曲 - 动漫《X战记》中的配乐.mp3

钢琴曲 - 火宵之月.mp3

钢琴曲 - 棋魂.mp3

钢琴曲 - 湿度爱情片尾曲.mp3

钢琴曲 - 晓之车《机动战士高达seed》插曲钢琴版.mp3

钢琴曲 - 一帘幽梦.mp3

钢琴曲 - 最终幻想9动人钢琴曲.mp3

钢琴曲 - 浪漫满屋 - (14)Love At The Gate(Instrument纯音乐.mp3

钢琴曲 - A Day with You.mp3

钢琴曲 - Childhood Remembered-童年的回忆.mp3

钢琴曲 - Do You Live,Do You Love.mp3

钢琴曲 - New Beginning.mp3

钢琴曲 - Once Upon A Time.mp3

钢琴曲 - Only You.mp3

钢琴曲 - Remember.mp3

钢琴曲 - Wings Of Hope.mp3

钢琴曲 - 月夜のピアノ.mp3

钢琴曲 - 最爱の人へ.mp3

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FOR some persons even mother and father are no hindrances, as in the case of the young priest, the nephew on his mother’s side of an elder who dwelt in Korandaka monastery. 1

It is related that the young priest had gone to Rohana to hear the precepts read, and the elder’s sister, who was a lay devotee, used constantly to ask the elder for news of her son. One day the elder determined to go and fetch the lad, and set out in the direction of Rohana. The youth also had left his quarters, and had issued forth from Rohana. For he said to himself, “It is a long time that I have lived here. I will go now and see my preceptor, and having learnt how the lay woman is doing, I will return again.” And they both met on the banks of the Ganges. Then the young priest performed his respectful duties to the elder at the foot of a certain tree, and when the latter asked him, “Whither are you going?” he told him. Said the elder, “You do well; the lay woman is always asking after you, and it is for this very reason that I am come. By all means go, and I will stay and keep residence here.” And thus he dismissed him. 2

The young priest arrived home at the monastery on the day for beginning residence, and they assigned to him a cell which had been built by his father. On the next day his father came, and inquired of one of the priests, “Reverend sir, to whom has my cell been assigned?” And when he heard it had been assigned to a young stranger, he drew near, and having done obeisance, he said, 3

“Reverend sir, any one who enters upon residence in my cell has a garment given him.” 4

“What mean you, O layman?” 5

“For the next three months you must beg your food at our house, and when, after the solemnity of inviting criticism, you wish to depart, come and take leave of us.” 6

The other assented by his silence. 7

Then the layman went home, and said to his wife, “A certain reverend stranger is in the dwelling I put up, and we must wait on him attentively.” 8

“Very well,” said the lay woman in assent, and prepared excellent food, both hard and soft. 9

At breakfast-time the lad came to the house of his mother and father, but no one recognized him. And he remained three months, and always ate his alms at their house. And when residence was over, he announced to them that he was about to depart. 10

Then said his mother and father, “Reverend sir, you can go on the morrow.” And the next day they fed him in their house, and then filled up a measure of sesamum oil and gave it to him, and also a lump of sugar, and nine cubits’ length of cloth, and said, “You can go now, reverend sir.” And he returned thanks, and set out in the direction of Rohana. 11

And his preceptor, after the solemnity of inviting criticism, was coming in the opposite direction, and met him in the place where they had met before. The lad performed his respectful duties to the elder at the foot of a certain tree. Then said the elder, 12

“Well, my friend, did you see the lay woman?” 13

“Yes, reverend sir,” said he in reply, and told him all the news. 14

And having anointed the feet of the elder with the sesamum oil, and made him a drink with the lump of sugar, and given him the cloth, he did obeisance before him and saying, “Reverend sir, Rohana is the place for me,” he departed on his way. 15

The elder came to the monastery, and on the next day entered the village of Korandaka. And the lay woman, who was always looking up the road, and saying, “Now, now my brother is coming with my son,” saw him approaching alone, and fell at his feet, and wept, and lamented, saying, “My son, methinks, must be dead, inasmuch as the elder comes alone.” 16

Then thought the elder, “Surely, the lad, through the moderateness of his passions, must have gone away without announcing himself.” And he comforted her, and told her the whole story, and drawing forth the cloth from the scrip in which he carried his bowl, he showed it to her. 17

The lay woman was pleased, and lying prostrate, with her face in the direction in which her son had gone, she worshiped, saying, 18

“Methinks The Blessed One must have had in mind a body of priests like my son when he preached the relay course of conduct, the Nlaka course of conduct, the tuvattaka course of conduct, and the course of conduct customary with the great saints, showing how to take delight in the cultivation of content with the four reliances. This man ate for three months in the house of the mother who bore him, and never said, ‘I am thy son, and thou art my mother.’ O the wonderful man!” 19

For such a one mother and father are no hindrances, much less any other lay devotees.


本文目录一览: 1、什么英文歌好听2012 2、喜欢钢琴音乐的进来 3、我要一篇500字关于父母亲的英文的文章 什么英文歌好听2012 memories 、perfect picture 、far a











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