
Python 程序:检查数字是不是 Pronic 数字

编写一个 Python 程序来检查一个数字是不是 Pronic 数字,或者是否使用 while 循环。例如,如果一个数等于两个连续数的乘积,则它是一个 Pronic 数,这意味着 number = n(n + 1)。

在这个 Python 程序中,I 值从零迭代到该数字的平方根,并检查任意两个连续数字的乘积是否等于实际数字。如果为真,标志值变为 1,break 语句将退出循环。如果标志等于 1,则它是一个 Pronic 数。

import math

Number = int(input("Enter the Number to Check Pronic Number = "))

i = 0
flag = 0

while i <= (int) (math.sqrt(Number)):
    if Number == i * (i + 1):
        flag = 1
    i = i + 1

if flag == 1:
    print("\n%d is a Pronic Number." %Number)
    print("%d is Not a Pronic Number." %Number)

Python 程序,使用 for 循环检查给定的数字是否是 Pronic 数字。

Number = int(input("Enter the Number to Check Pronic Number = "))

flag = 0

for i in range(Number + 1):
    if Number == i * (i + 1):
        flag = 1

if flag == 1:
    print("\n%d is a Pronic Number." %Number)
    print("%d is Not a Pronic Number." %Number)
Enter the Number to Check Pronic Number = 42

42 is a Pronic Number.

Enter the Number to Check Pronic Number = 55
55 is Not a Pronic Number.

Python 程序查找一个数字是不是 Pronic 数或者不使用函数。

def pronicNumber(Number):
    flag = 0
    for i in range(Number + 1):
        if Number == i * (i + 1):
            flag = 1
    return flag

Number = int(input("Enter the Number to Check Pronic Number = "))

if pronicNumber(Number) == 1:
    print("\n%d is a Pronic Number." %Number)
    print("%d is Not a Pronic Number." %Number)
Enter the Number to Check Pronic Number = 52
52 is Not a Pronic Number.

Enter the Number to Check Pronic Number = 72

72 is a Pronic Number.