




PDF_activate_item — Activate structure element or other content item

PDF_add_annotation — Add annotation [deprecated]

PDF_add_bookmark — Add bookmark for current page [deprecated]

PDF_add_launchlink — Add launch annotation for current page [deprecated]

PDF_add_locallink — Add link annotation for current page [deprecated]

PDF_add_nameddest — Create named destination

PDF_add_note — Set annotation for current page [deprecated]

PDF_add_outline — Add bookmark for current page [deprecated]

PDF_add_pdflink — Add file link annotation for current page [deprecated]

PDF_add_table_cell — Add a cell to a new or existing table

PDF_add_textflow — Create Textflow or add text to existing Textflow

PDF_add_thumbnail — Add thumbnail for current page

PDF_add_weblink — Add weblink for current page [deprecated]

PDF_arc — Draw a counterclockwise circular arc segment

PDF_arcn — Draw a clockwise circular arc segment

PDF_attach_file — Add file attachment for current page [deprecated]

PDF_begin_document — Create new PDF file

PDF_begin_font — Start a Type 3 font definition

PDF_begin_glyph — Start glyph definition for Type 3 font

PDF_begin_item — Open structure element or other content item

PDF_begin_layer — Start layer

PDF_begin_page_ext — Start new page

PDF_begin_page — Start new page [deprecated]

PDF_begin_pattern — Start pattern definition

PDF_begin_template_ext — Start template definition

PDF_begin_template — Start template definition [deprecated]

PDF_circle — Draw a circle

PDF_clip — Clip to current path

PDF_close_image — Close image

PDF_close_pdi_page — Close the page handle

PDF_close_pdi — Close the input PDF document [deprecated]

PDF_close — Close pdf resource [deprecated]

PDF_closepath_fill_stroke — Close, fill and stroke current path

PDF_closepath_stroke — Close and stroke path

PDF_closepath — Close current path

PDF_concat — Concatenate a matrix to the CTM

PDF_continue_text — Output text in next line

PDF_create_3dview — Create 3D view

PDF_create_action — Create action for objects or events

PDF_create_annotation — Create rectangular annotation

PDF_create_bookmark — Create bookmark

PDF_create_field — Create form field

PDF_create_fieldgroup — Create form field group

PDF_create_gstate — Create graphics state object

PDF_create_pvf — Create PDFlib virtual file

PDF_create_textflow — Create textflow object

PDF_curveto — Draw Bezier curve

PDF_define_layer — Create layer definition

PDF_delete_pvf — Delete PDFlib virtual file

PDF_delete_table — Delete table object

PDF_delete_textflow — Delete textflow object

PDF_delete — Delete PDFlib object

PDF_encoding_set_char — Add glyph name and/or Unicode value

PDF_end_document — Close PDF file

PDF_end_font — Terminate Type 3 font definition

PDF_end_glyph — Terminate glyph definition for Type 3 font

PDF_end_item — Close structure element or other content item

PDF_end_layer — Deactivate all active layers

PDF_end_page_ext — Finish page

PDF_end_page — Finish page

PDF_end_pattern — Finish pattern

PDF_end_template — Finish template

PDF_endpath — End current path

PDF_fill_imageblock — Fill image block with variable data

PDF_fill_pdfblock — Fill PDF block with variable data

PDF_fill_stroke — Fill and stroke path

PDF_fill_textblock — Fill text block with variable data

PDF_fill — Fill current path

PDF_findfont — Prepare font for later use [deprecated]

PDF_fit_image — Place image or template

PDF_fit_pdi_page — Place imported PDF page

PDF_fit_table — Place table on page

PDF_fit_textflow — Format textflow in rectangular area

PDF_fit_textline — Place single line of text

PDF_get_apiname — Get name of unsuccessfull API function

PDF_get_buffer — Get PDF output buffer

PDF_get_errmsg — Get error text

PDF_get_errnum — Get error number

PDF_get_font — Get font [deprecated]

PDF_get_fontname — Get font name [deprecated]

PDF_get_fontsize — Font handling [deprecated]

PDF_get_image_height — Get image height [deprecated]

PDF_get_image_width — Get image width [deprecated]

PDF_get_majorversion — Get major version number [deprecated]

PDF_get_minorversion — Get minor version number [deprecated]

PDF_get_parameter — Get string parameter

PDF_get_pdi_parameter — Get PDI string parameter [deprecated]

PDF_get_pdi_value — Get PDI numerical parameter [deprecated]

PDF_get_value — Get numerical parameter

PDF_info_font — Query detailed information about a loaded font

PDF_info_matchbox — Query matchbox information

PDF_info_table — Retrieve table information

PDF_info_textflow — Query textflow state

PDF_info_textline — Perform textline formatting and query metrics

PDF_initgraphics — Reset graphic state

PDF_lineto — Draw a line

PDF_load_3ddata — Load 3D model

PDF_load_font — Search and prepare font

PDF_load_iccprofile — Search and prepare ICC profile

PDF_load_image — Open image file

PDF_makespotcolor — Make spot color

PDF_moveto — Set current point

PDF_new — Create PDFlib object

PDF_open_ccitt — Open raw CCITT image [deprecated]

PDF_open_file — Create PDF file [deprecated]

PDF_open_gif — Open GIF image [deprecated]

PDF_open_image_file — Read image from file [deprecated]

PDF_open_image — Use image data [deprecated]

PDF_open_jpeg — Open JPEG image [deprecated]

PDF_open_memory_image — Open image created with PHP's image functions [not supported]

PDF_open_pdi_page — Prepare a page

PDF_open_pdi — Open PDF file [deprecated]

PDF_open_tiff — Open TIFF image [deprecated]

PDF_pcos_get_number — Get value of pCOS path with type number or boolean

PDF_pcos_get_stream — Get contents of pCOS path with type stream, fstream, or string

PDF_pcos_get_string — Get value of pCOS path with type name, string, or boolean

PDF_place_image — Place image on the page [deprecated]

PDF_place_pdi_page — Place PDF page [deprecated]

PDF_process_pdi — Process imported PDF document

PDF_rect — Draw rectangle

PDF_restore — Restore graphics state

PDF_resume_page — Resume page

PDF_rotate — Rotate coordinate system

PDF_save — Save graphics state

PDF_scale — Scale coordinate system

PDF_set_border_color — Set border color of annotations [deprecated]

PDF_set_border_dash — Set border dash style of annotations [deprecated]

PDF_set_border_style — Set border style of annotations [deprecated]

PDF_set_char_spacing — Set character spacing [deprecated]

PDF_set_duration — Set duration between pages [deprecated]

PDF_set_gstate — Activate graphics state object

PDF_set_horiz_scaling — Set horizontal text scaling [deprecated]

PDF_set_info_author — Fill the author document info field [deprecated]

PDF_set_info_creator — Fill the creator document info field [deprecated]

PDF_set_info_keywords — Fill the keywords document info field [deprecated]

PDF_set_info_subject — Fill the subject document info field [deprecated]

PDF_set_info_title — Fill the title document info field [deprecated]

PDF_set_info — Fill document info field

PDF_set_layer_dependency — Define relationships among layers

PDF_set_leading — Set distance between text lines [deprecated]

PDF_set_parameter — Set string parameter

PDF_set_text_matrix — Set text matrix [deprecated]

PDF_set_text_pos — Set text position

PDF_set_text_rendering — Determine text rendering [deprecated]

PDF_set_text_rise — Set text rise [deprecated]

PDF_set_value — Set numerical parameter

PDF_set_word_spacing — Set spacing between words [deprecated]

PDF_setcolor — Set fill and stroke color

PDF_setdash — Set simple dash pattern

PDF_setdashpattern — Set dash pattern

PDF_setflat — Set flatness

PDF_setfont — Set font

PDF_setgray_fill — Set fill color to gray [deprecated]

PDF_setgray_stroke — Set stroke color to gray [deprecated]

PDF_setgray — Set color to gray [deprecated]

PDF_setlinecap — Set linecap parameter

PDF_setlinejoin — Set linejoin parameter

PDF_setlinewidth — Set line width

PDF_setmatrix — Set current transformation matrix

PDF_setmiterlimit — Set miter limit

PDF_setpolydash — Set complicated dash pattern [deprecated]

PDF_setrgbcolor_fill — Set fill rgb color values [deprecated]

PDF_setrgbcolor_stroke — Set stroke rgb color values [deprecated]

PDF_setrgbcolor — Set fill and stroke rgb color values [deprecated]

PDF_shading_pattern — Define shading pattern

PDF_shading — Define blend

PDF_shfill — Fill area with shading

PDF_show_boxed — Output text in a box [deprecated]

PDF_show_xy — Output text at given position

PDF_show — Output text at current position

PDF_skew — Skew the coordinate system

PDF_stringwidth — Return width of text

PDF_stroke — Stroke path

PDF_suspend_page — Suspend page

PDF_translate — Set origin of coordinate system

PDF_utf16_to_utf8 — Convert string from UTF-16 to UTF-8

PDF_utf32_to_utf16 — Convert string from UTF-32 to UTF-16

PDF_utf8_to_utf16 — Convert string from UTF-8 to UTF-16



然后通过PHP 的header函数读取该文件内容。并将读取的内容在如SDK编辑器上打开。待用户编辑完成后,保存至该文件中。并重新执行其他格式的文件-PDF软件转换。重新生成PDF文件,并将原来可以被PHP 打开的文件删除。

这样即可实现用PHP 来打开PDF文件。希望能帮到你。





php 如何实现在线预览文件如:txt,doc,pdf等

第一种 预览

$file = fopen($path,"r"); // 打开文件

// 输入文件标签

Header("Content-type: application/pdf");

// Header("filename:" . $file_name);

// 输出文件内容

echo fread($file,filesize($path));



Header("Content-type: application/pdf");// 文件将被称为 downloaded.pdf



Header("Content-type: application/pdf");// 文件将被称为 downloaded.pdf



$file = fopen($path,"r"); // 打开文件

// 输入文件标签

Header("Content-type: application/octet-stream");

Header("Accept-Ranges: bytes");

Header("Accept-Length: ".filesize($path));

Header("Content-Disposition: attachment; filename=" . $file_name);

// 输出文件内容

echo fread($file,filesize($path));
























embed width=100% height=100% fullscreen=yes src="你的pdf文件.pdf" /



均需要浏览者安装有 Adobe Reader