PHPMailer实现PHP发邮件功能,同时保存验证码到服务器的cache, 验证用户收到的验证码和cache全等
PHPMailer项目地址:PHPMailer 使用git命令克隆到本地,或直接在该项目页面的右下方点击“ Download ZIP ”即可获取到完整的PHPMailer代码包,再到本地解压即可。
*@param $to:接收者 $title:标题 $content:邮件内容
*@return bool true:发送成功 false:发送失败
*/function sendMail($to,$title,$content){ //引入PHPMailer的核心文件 使用require_once包含避免出现PHPMailer类重复定义的警告
require_once("phpmailer/class.smtp.php"); //实例化PHPMailer核心类
$mail = new PHPMailer(); //是否启用smtp的debug进行调试 开发环境建议开启 生产环境注释掉即可 默认关闭debug调试模式
$mail-SMTPDebug = 1; //使用smtp鉴权方式发送邮件
$mail-isSMTP(); //smtp需要鉴权 这个必须是true
$mail-SMTPAuth=true; //链接qq域名邮箱的服务器地址
$mail-Host = 'smtp.qq.com'; //设置使用ssl加密方式登录鉴权
$mail-SMTPSecure = 'ssl'; //设置ssl连接smtp服务器的远程服务器端口号,以前的默认是25,但是现在新的好像已经不可用了 可选465或587
$mail-Port = 465; //设置smtp的helo消息头 这个可有可无 内容任意
// $mail-Helo = 'Hello smtp.qq.com Server';
//设置发件人的主机域 可有可无 默认为localhost 内容任意,建议使用你的域名
$mail-Hostname = ''; //设置发送的邮件的编码 可选GB2312 我喜欢utf-8 据说utf8在某些客户端收信下会乱码
$mail-CharSet = 'UTF-8'; //设置发件人姓名(昵称) 任意内容,显示在收件人邮件的发件人邮箱地址前的发件人姓名
$mail-FromName = 'LSGO实验室'; //smtp登录的账号 这里填入字符串格式的qq号即可
$mail-Username ='12345678@qq.com'; //smtp登录的密码 使用生成的授权码(就刚才叫你保存的最新的授权码)
$mail-Password = 'sqyofzbqlfkntbncl'; //设置发件人邮箱地址 这里填入上述提到的“发件人邮箱”
$mail-From = '12345678@qq.com'; //邮件正文是否为html编码 注意此处是一个方法 不再是属性 true或false
//设置收件人邮箱地址 该方法有两个参数 第一个参数为收件人邮箱地址 第二参数为给该地址设置的昵称 不同的邮箱系统会自动进行处理变动 这里第二个参数的意义不大
$mail-addAddress($to,'lsgo在线通知'); //添加多个收件人 则多次调用方法即可
// $mail-addAddress('xxx@163.com','lsgo在线通知');
$mail-Subject = $title; //添加邮件正文 上方将isHTML设置成了true,则可以是完整的html字符串 如:使用file_get_contents函数读取本地的html文件
$mail-Body = $content; //为该邮件添加附件 该方法也有两个参数 第一个参数为附件存放的目录(相对目录、或绝对目录均可) 第二参数为在邮件附件中该附件的名称
// $mail-addAttachment('./d.jpg','mm.jpg');
//同样该方法可以多次调用 上传多个附件
// $mail-addAttachment('./Jlib-1.1.0.js','Jlib.js');
$status = $mail-send(); //简单的判断与提示信息
if($status) { return true;
}else{ return false;
?phprequire_once("./functions.php");$flag = sendMail('456789@qq.com','lsgo在线通知','恭喜你成功加入LSGO实验室,开启你的学习之旅吧!');if($flag){ echo "发送邮件成功!";
}else{ echo "发送邮件失败!";
PHP发送邮件是“非常的简单” 因为他提供了mail()函数直接发送,但配置相当麻烦 (1)通过mail()函数发送邮件 mail() 配置PHP.ini 邮件信息 需要类似sendmail这样的组件支持 (2)通过socket通讯,使用SMTP传输 socket连接-SMTP通讯-获取通讯消息-发送 mail函数的使用 mail() 函数允许您从脚本中直接发送电子邮件。 如果邮件的投递被成功地接收,则返回 true,否则返回 mail(to,subject,message,headers,parameters) socket方式发送原理 给你一个别人写好的类 用法在下面 本人经测试很多网站都不提供免费的smtp服务(126、sina、netease 这几个试过了),腾讯邮箱支持此功能。 用法: ? require_once ('email.class.php'); //########################################## $smtpserver = "smtp.163.com";//SMTP服务器 $smtpserverport =25;//SMTP服务器端口 $smtpusermail = "";//SMTP服务器的用户邮箱 $smtpemailto = "";//发送给谁 $smtpuser = "";//SMTP服务器的用户帐号 $smtppass = "";//SMTP服务器的用户密码 $mailsubject = "PHP100测试邮件系统";//邮件主题 $mailbody = "h1 这是一个测试程序 PHP100.com /h1";//邮件内容 $mailtype = "HTML";//邮件格式(HTML/TXT),TXT为文本邮件 ########################################## $smtp = new smtp($smtpserver,$smtpserverport,true,$smtpuser,$smtppass);//这里面的一个true是表示使用身份验证,否则不使用身份验证. $smtp-debug = FALSE;//是否显示发送的调试信息 $smtp-sendmail($smtpemailto, $smtpusermail, $mailsubject, $mailbody, $mailtype); ? 邮件发送类 ? class smtp { /* Public Variables */ var $smtp_port; var $time_out; var $host_name; var $log_file; var $relay_host; var $debug; var $auth; var $user; var $pass; /* Private Variables */ var $sock; /* Constractor */ function smtp($relay_host = "", $smtp_port = 25,$auth = false,$user,$pass) { $this-debug = FALSE; $this-smtp_port = $smtp_port; $this-relay_host = $relay_host; $this-time_out = 30; //is used in fsockopen() # $this-auth = $auth;//auth $this-user = $user; $this-pass = $pass; # $this-host_name = "localhost"; //is used in HELO command $this-log_file =""; $this-sock = FALSE; } /* Main Function */ function sendmail($to, $from, $subject = "", $body = "", $mailtype, $cc = "", $bcc = "", $additional_headers = "") { $mail_from = $this-get_address($this-strip_comment($from)); $body = ereg_replace("(^|(\r\n))(\\.)", "\\1.\\3", $body); $header .= "MIME-Version:1.0\r\n"; if($mailtype=="HTML"){ $header .= "Content-Type:text/html\r\n"; } $header .= "To: ".$to."\r\n"; if ($cc != "") { $header .= "Cc: ".$cc."\r\n"; } $header .= "From: $from".$from."\r\n"; $header .= "Subject: ".$subject."\r\n"; $header .= $additional_headers; $header .= "Date: ".date("r")."\r\n"; $header .= "X-Mailer:By Redhat (PHP/".phpversion().")\r\n"; list($msec, $sec) = explode(" ", microtime()); $header .= "Message-ID: ".date("YmdHis", $sec).".".($msec*1000000).".".$mail_from."\r\n"; $TO = explode(",", $this-strip_comment($to)); if ($cc != "") { $TO = array_merge($TO, explode(",", $this-strip_comment($cc))); } if ($bcc != "") { $TO = array_merge($TO, explode(",", $this-strip_comment($bcc))); } $sent = TRUE; foreach ($TO as $rcpt_to) { $rcpt_to = $this-get_address($rcpt_to); if (!$this-smtp_sockopen($rcpt_to)) { $this-log_write("Error: Cannot send email to ".$rcpt_to."\n"); $sent = FALSE; continue; } if ($this-smtp_send($this-host_name, $mail_from, $rcpt_to, $header, $body)) { $this-log_write("E-mail has been sent to ".$rcpt_to."\n"); } else { $this-log_write("Error: Cannot send email to ".$rcpt_to."\n"); $sent = FALSE; } fclose($this-sock); $this-log_write("Disconnected from remote host\n"); } echo "br"; echo $header; return $sent; } /* Private Functions */ function smtp_send($helo, $from, $to, $header, $body = "") { if (!$this-smtp_putcmd("HELO", $helo)) { return $this-smtp_error("sending HELO command"); } #auth if($this-auth){ if (!$this-smtp_putcmd("AUTH LOGIN", base64_encode($this-user))) { return $this-smtp_error("sending HELO command"); } if (!$this-smtp_putcmd("", base64_encode($this-pass))) { return $this-smtp_error("sending HELO command"); } } # if (!$this-smtp_putcmd("MAIL", "FROM:".$from."")) { return $this-smtp_error("sending MAIL FROM command"); } if (!$this-smtp_putcmd("RCPT", "TO:".$to."")) { return $this-smtp_error("sending RCPT TO command"); } if (!$this-smtp_putcmd("DATA")) { return $this-smtp_error("sending DATA command"); } if (!$this-smtp_message($header, $body)) { return $this-smtp_error("sending message"); } if (!$this-smtp_eom()) { return $this-smtp_error("sending CRLF.CRLF [EOM]"); } if (!$this-smtp_putcmd("QUIT")) { return $this-smtp_error("sending QUIT command"); } return TRUE; } function smtp_sockopen($address) { if ($this-relay_host == "") { return $this-smtp_sockopen_mx($address); } else { return $this-smtp_sockopen_relay(); } } function smtp_sockopen_relay() { $this-log_write("Trying to ".$this-relay_host.":".$this-smtp_port."\n"); $this-sock = @fsockopen($this-relay_host, $this-smtp_port, $errno, $errstr, $this-time_out); if (!($this-sock $this-smtp_ok())) { $this-log_write("Error: Cannot connenct to relay host ".$this-relay_host."\n"); $this-log_write("Error: ".$errstr." (".$errno.")\n"); return FALSE; } $this-log_write("Connected to relay host ".$this-relay_host."\n"); return TRUE;; } function smtp_sockopen_mx($address) { $domain = ereg_replace("^.+@([^@]+)$", "\\1", $address); if (!@getmxrr($domain, $MXHOSTS)) { $this-log_write("Error: Cannot resolve MX \"".$domain."\"\n"); return FALSE; } foreach ($MXHOSTS as $host) { $this-log_write("Trying to ".$host.":".$this-smtp_port."\n"); $this-sock = @fsockopen($host, $this-smtp_port, $errno, $errstr, $this-time_out); if (!($this-sock $this-smtp_ok())) { $this-log_write("Warning: Cannot connect to mx host ".$host."\n"); $this-log_write("Error: ".$errstr." (".$errno.")\n"); continue; } $this-log_write("Connected to mx host ".$host."\n"); return TRUE; } $this-log_write("Error: Cannot connect to any mx hosts (".implode(", ", $MXHOSTS).")\n"); return FALSE; } function smtp_message($header, $body) { fputs($this-sock, $header."\r\n".$body); $this-smtp_debug(" ".str_replace("\r\n", "\n"." ", $header."\n ".$body."\n ")); return TRUE; } function smtp_eom() { fputs($this-sock, "\r\n.\r\n"); $this-smtp_debug(". [EOM]\n"); return $this-smtp_ok(); } function smtp_ok() { $response = str_replace("\r\n", "", fgets($this-sock, 512)); $this-smtp_debug($response."\n"); if (!ereg("^[23]", $response)) { fputs($this-sock, "QUIT\r\n"); fgets($this-sock, 512); $this-log_write("Error: Remote host returned \"".$response."\"\n"); return FALSE; } return TRUE; } function smtp_putcmd($cmd, $arg = "") { if ($arg != "") { if($cmd=="") $cmd = $arg; else $cmd = $cmd." ".$arg; } fputs($this-sock, $cmd."\r\n"); $this-smtp_debug(" ".$cmd."\n"); return $this-smtp_ok(); } function smtp_error($string) { $this-log_write("Error: Error occurred while ".$string.".\n"); return FALSE; } function log_write($message) { $this-smtp_debug($message); if ($this-log_file == "") { return TRUE; } $message = date("M d H:i:s ").get_current_user()."[".getmypid()."]: ".$message; if (!@file_exists($this-log_file) || !($fp = @fopen($this-log_file, "a"))) { $this-smtp_debug("Warning: Cannot open log file \"".$this-log_file."\"\n"); return FALSE; } flock($fp, LOCK_EX); fputs($fp, $message); fclose($fp); return TRUE; } function strip_comment($address) { $comment = "\\([^()]*\\)"; while (ereg($comment, $address)) { $address = ereg_replace($comment, "", $address); } return $address; } function get_address($address) { $address = ereg_replace("([ \t\r\n])+", "", $address); $address = ereg_replace("^.*(.+).*$", "\\1", $address); return $address; } function smtp_debug($message) { if ($this-debug) { echo $message."br"; } } function get_attach_type($image_tag) { // $filedata = array(); $img_file_con=fopen($image_tag,"r"); unset($image_data); while ($tem_buffer=AddSlashes(fread($img_file_con,filesize($image_tag)))) $image_data.=$tem_buffer; fclose($img_file_con); $filedata['context'] = $image_data; $filedata['filename']= basename($image_tag); $extension=substr($image_tag,strrpos($image_tag,"."),strlen($image_tag)-strrpos($image_tag,".")); switch($extension){ case ".gif": $filedata['type'] = "image/gif"; break; case ".gz": $filedata['type'] = "application/x-gzip"; break; case ".htm": $filedata['type'] = "text/html"; break; case ".html": $filedata['type'] = "text/html"; break; case ".jpg": $filedata['type'] = "image/jpeg"; break; case ".tar": $filedata['type'] = "application/x-tar"; break; case ".txt": $filedata['type'] = "text/plain"; break; case ".zip": $filedata['type'] = "application/zip"; break; default: $filedata['type'] = "application/octet-stream"; break; } return $filedata; } } ?
* 邮件发送类
class smail {
//您的SMTP 服务器供应商,可以是域名或IP地址
var $smtp = "";
//SMTP需要要身份验证设值为 1 不需要身份验证值为 0,现在大多数的SMTP服务商都要验证,如不清楚请与你的smtp 服务商联系。
var $check = 1;
var $username = "";
var $password = "";
//此email 必需是发信服务器上的email
var $s_from = "";
* 功能:发信初始化设置
* $from 你的发信服务器上的邮箱
* $password 你的邮箱密码
* $smtp 您的SMTP 服务器供应商,可以是域名或IP地址
* $check SMTP需要要身份验证设值为 1 不需要身份验证值为 0,现在大多数的SMTP服务商都要验证
function smail ( $from, $password, $smtp, $check = 1 ) {
if( preg_match("/^[^\d\-_][\w\-]*[^\-_]@[^\-][a-zA-Z\d\-]+[^\-](\.[^\-][a-zA-Z\d\-]*[^\-])*\.[a-zA-Z]{2,3}/", $from ) ) {
$this-username = substr( $from, 0, strpos( $from , "@" ) );
$this-password = $password;
$this-smtp = $smtp ? $smtp : $this-smtp;
$this-check = $check;
$this-s_from = $from;
* 功能:发送邮件
* $to 目标邮箱
* $from 来源邮箱
* $subject 邮件标题
* $message 邮件内容
function send ( $to, $from, $subject, $message ) {
$fp = fsockopen ( $this-smtp, 25, $errno, $errstr, 60);
if (!$fp ) return "联接服务器失败".__LINE__;
set_socket_blocking($fp, true );
if ( substr($lastmessage,0,3) != 220 ) return "错误信息1:$lastmessage".__LINE__;
$yourname = "YOURNAME";
if($this-check == "1") $lastact="EHLO ".$yourname."\r\n";
else $lastact="HELO ".$yourname."\r\n";
fputs($fp, $lastact);
$lastmessage == fgets($fp,512);
if (substr($lastmessage,0,3) != 220 ) return "错误信息2:$lastmessage".__LINE__;
while (true) {
$lastmessage = fgets($fp,512);
if ( (substr($lastmessage,3,1) != "-") or (empty($lastmessage)) )
if ($this-check=="1") {
$lastact="AUTH LOGIN"."\r\n";
fputs( $fp, $lastact);
$lastmessage = fgets ($fp,512);
if (substr($lastmessage,0,3) != 334) return "错误信息3:$lastmessage".__LINE__;
fputs( $fp, $lastact);
$lastmessage = fgets ($fp,512);
if (substr($lastmessage,0,3) != 334) return "错误信息4:$lastmessage".__LINE__;
fputs( $fp, $lastact);
$lastmessage = fgets ($fp,512);
if (substr($lastmessage,0,3) != "235") return "错误信息5:$lastmessage".__LINE__;
$lastact="MAIL FROM: ". $this-s_from . "\r\n";
fputs( $fp, $lastact);
$lastmessage = fgets ($fp,512);
if (substr($lastmessage,0,3) != 250) return "错误信息6:$lastmessage".__LINE__;
$lastact="RCPT TO: ". $to ." \r\n";
fputs( $fp, $lastact);
$lastmessage = fgets ($fp,512);
if (substr($lastmessage,0,3) != 250) return "错误信息7:$lastmessage".__LINE__;
fputs($fp, $lastact);
$lastmessage = fgets ($fp,512);
if (substr($lastmessage,0,3) != 354) return "错误信息8:$lastmessage".__LINE__;
$head="Subject: $subject\r\n";
$message = $head."\r\n".$message;
$head="From: $from\r\n";
$message = $head.$message;
$head="To: $to\r\n";
$message = $head.$message;
$message .= "\r\n.\r\n";
fputs($fp, $message);
return 0;
// 发送示例
// 只需要把这部分改成你的信息就行
$sm = new smail( "用户名", "密码", "发件smtp服务器" );
$end = $sm-send( "收件人", "发件人(可以伪造哦)", "标题", "内容" );
if( $end ) echo $end;
else echo "发送成功!$x";