
Java String Matches


Java is a popular object-oriented programming language that is used to develop a wide range of software applications. One of the most important features of Java is its handling of strings. String matching is a common task performed in Java programming, and there are several ways to do this. The String.matches() method is one such way.

The String.matches() method is used to test whether a given string matches a specified regular expression or not. Regular expressions are used to match patterns in strings. This can be very useful in a variety of situations such as validating user input or searching for a specific string within a larger text.

Main Features of String.matches()

1. Syntax of String.matches()

The syntax of the String.matches() method in Java is as follows:

    boolean matches(String regex)

The method takes one argument, a regex string which is the regular expression to be matched.

2. Matching Whole Strings Using String.matches()

The String.matches() method can be used to check if a given string exactly matches a regular expression. For example:

    String str = "Hello, World!";
    boolean result = str.matches("Hello, World!");
    System.out.println("Result: " + result);

This will output the following:

    Result: true

This is because the string "Hello, World!" exactly matches the regular expression "Hello, World!". Note that the regular expression is case sensitive, so "Hello, world!" would not match.

3. Matching a String Partially Using String.matches()

The String.matches() method can also be used to check if a given string partially matches a regular expression. For example:

    String email = "example@example.com";
    boolean result = email.matches(".+@.+\\..+");
    System.out.println("Result: " + result);

This will output the following:

    Result: true

The regular expression used here matches any string that contains at least one character before and after the '@' symbol, followed by at least one character before and after the '.' symbol. This is a basic email validation check.

4. Performance Considerations of String.matches()

The String.matches() method can be a slow operation, especially when used with complex regular expressions. In cases where performance is a concern, it may be better to use the Pattern class to compile the regular expression into a pattern first, and then use the Matcher class to apply the pattern to a given string. This can be faster than using String.matches() directly.

    // Compiling the regular expression into a pattern
    Pattern pattern = Pattern.compile(".+@.+\\..+");
    String email = "example@example.com";
    boolean result = pattern.matcher(email).matches();
    System.out.println("Result: " + result);

This will output the same result as before:

    Result: true


The String.matches() method is a useful and powerful tool for string matching in Java programming. It can be used to match both whole and partial strings against regular expressions. However, when dealing with complex regular expressions or performance-critical situations, it may be better to use the Pattern and Matcher classes instead.