torch.norm函数是PyTorch库中的一个标量计算函数,用于在给定维度上计算输入张量的范数(also known as vector length or magnitude)。
import torch # 1D Tensor a = torch.tensor([1, 2, 3, 4, 5]) print(torch.norm(a)) # output: tensor(7.4162) print(torch.norm(a, 1)) # output: tensor(15.) print(torch.norm(a, float('inf'))) # output: tensor(5.) # 2D Tensor b = torch.tensor([[1, 2, 3], [4, 5, 6]]) print(torch.norm(b)) # output: tensor(9.5394) print(torch.norm(b, 1)) # output: tensor(15.) print(torch.norm(b, float('inf'))) # output: tensor(15.)
在PyTorch中,torch.normal函数用于从给定的均值和标准差中生成指定大小的正态分布(Gaussian distribution)样本值的Tensor。
对于一个mxn的Tensor,输出的Tensor尺寸为mxn的且每个元素(i,j)都是从N(mean(i,j), std(i,j))中随机取样的值。
import torch # generate 1D tensor with normal distribution torch.manual_seed(0) mean = torch.zeros(3) std = torch.ones(3) normal_samples = torch.normal(mean, std) print(normal_samples) # output: tensor([ 1.5410, -0.2934, -2.1788]) # generate 2D tensor with normal distribution torch.manual_seed(0) mean = torch.zeros(3, 2) std = torch.ones(3, 2) normal_samples = torch.normal(mean, std) print(normal_samples) # output: tensor([[ 1.5410, -0.2934], [-2.8200, 0.5285], [ 0.5802, 0.5422]])
import torch mean = torch.arange(1., 5.) std = torch.arange(1, 2) size = (2, 2) normal_samples = torch.normal(mean, std, size) print(normal_samples) # output: tensor([[ 1.4611, 1.9118], [ 2.0693, 4.1555]])
四、torch.norm 两个张量
import torch a = torch.tensor([1, 2, 3]) b = torch.tensor([4, 5, 6]) # calculate L2 norm of two tensors print(torch.norm(a-b, p=2)) # output: tensor(5.1962) # calculate Frobenius norm of two matrices c = torch.tensor([[1, 2], [3, 4]]) d = torch.tensor([[5, 6], [7, 8]]) print(torch.norm(c-d)) # output: tensor(8.0000)