越来越多的移动设备用户喜欢使用应用程序,因此将应用程序打包成应用软件包(APKs)是非常重要的。 Kivy是一个可以使用Python语言编写应用程序的框架。 Kivy不仅针对桌面应用程序功能完整,而且为移动设备设计的一个重要功能是它能够以原生应用程序的形式打包应用程序。 在本文中,我们将探讨使用Kivy框架将应用程序打包成apk的方法。
要使用Kivy,我们需要首先安装它。 你可以从Kivy官方网站下载最新版本的Kivy。 下载结束后,请按照以下步骤进行安装:
pip install kivy
import kivy
在打包应用程序之前,我们需要首先准备应用程序。 应用程序必须是Kivy框架下的Python脚本。 我们需要确保应用程序代码与应用程序中使用的所有资源都位于同一目录或其子目录中。 在打包应用程序之前,首先调试应用程序并确保其运行正确。
在打包apk之前,我们需要设置构建环境。 我们需要安装Android SDK和Android NDK。 安装前请确保您拥有Java Development Kit(JDK)。 下载Java Development Kit(JDK)
接下来,下载并解压缩Android SDK。 下载 Android SDK command line tools, 如果您使用的是Windows系统,请在系统环境变量中添加tools/bin 与 tools/platform-tools至PATH。
下载并解压缩 Android NDK。 在设置构建环境后,请使用以下命令检查您的环境是否正确设置:
python -m jnius.__main__ -l
在打包apk之前,我们需要为构建过程设置一些必要的信息。 我们需要在主应用目录中创建一个名为‘buildozer.spec’的文件。 ‘buildozer.spec’文件是一个文本文件,其中包含应用程序的所有必要信息。 在文件中,有多个选项需要设置,例如:
# (mandatory) Title of your application
title = My Application
# (mandatory) Package name
package.name = myapp
# (mandatory) Package domain (needed for android/ios packaging)
package.domain = org.test
# (optional) Application versioning (major.minor.revision)
#version = 0.1.0
# (optional) Application build number (needed for android/ios packaging)
#numeric_version = 1
# (optional) URL of application website
#url =
# (optional) Maintainer/author
#author =
# (optional) Application description
#description =
# (optional) Application long description
#long_description = file:README.md
# (optional) Comma separated list of keywords
#keywords = my,keywords
# (optional) Supported orientation (one of landscape, sensorLandscape, portrait or all)
orientation = portrait
# (optional) Application icon (ignored on desktop platforms)
#icon =
# (optional) Web address of to the application license
#license_url =
# (optional) Address of icon for the tray
#service_icon =
# (optional) Use a black status bar (Only on Android)
#blacklist_externals_libs =
# (optional) Presplash of the application
#presplash.filename = %(source.dir)r/data/presplash.png
# (optional) Numeric version for the application, as used on Google Playstore
#version.code = 1
# (optional) Path to build artifact storage, absolute or relative to spec file
#build_dir = /my/build/dir
# (optional) Path to build output (i.e. .apk, .ipa) storage
#bin_dir = /my/bin/dir
# (optional) Path to build output for debug builds (.apk/.ipa files), relative to spec file
#debug = ./dists
# (optional) Path to release output (i.e. .apk, .ipa) storage
#release = /my/release/dir
# (optional) Path to android/ios/other platform SDK (can be relative)
#sdk_dir = /home/user/android-sdk-windows
# (optional) Path to android ndk (can be relative)
#android.ndk_path = /home/user/android-ndk-rXb
# (optional) Path to the python2/3 executable (if your system python is not version 2/3)
#python2 = /usr/bin/python
# (optional) Override path to Android NDK (I believe this is deprecated)
#android.ndk_path = /opt/android-ndk-r12b
# (optional) Target Android API, should be as high as possible.
# Android 10 is API 29, but anything >= 21 should be fine here.
android.api = 28
# (optional) Minimum API required. For python-for-android only defaults to the latest version your code targets.
#android.minapi = 21
# (optional) Android NDK version to use
#android.ndk = r19c
# (optional) Android SDK version to use
#android.sdk = 20
# (optional) Whether to enable manifest merging when using tools like aapt
#android.manifestMerger = False
# (optional) whether to optimize for release (default False)
# This can produce a much smaller package but make the build process much slower
#android.release = False
# (optional) whether to force a whitespaces in the application name
#android.preserveHCText = False
# (optional) run on the emulator
#android.emulator = False
# (optional) use a black emulator background (requires a emulator skin)
#android.blackEmulator = False
# (optional) fix issue with VirtualBox emulated devices
#android.fix_oci_permissions = False
# (optional) How many attempts should be made to run `adb` before giving up?
#android.adb_retry = 10
# (optional) Customize the adb command with arguments
#android.adb_custom_args = -H my.server.name
# (optional) Autodetect --unsafe-perm and --allow-root from the environment variables
# Warning: this feature main lead to security issues in your apk or break packaging. Use it at your own risk!
#p4a.auto-permission = False
# (optional) adb whitelist for permissions (comma separated)
# android.permissions =
buildozer android debug
此命令将为我们构建一个调试版本的APK。 在构建apk时,我们需要一段时间等待构建完成。 在构建过程中,所有应用程序依赖项将被打包在APK文件中。
构建完成后,我们需要将apk文件安装到设备。 可以使用adb install命令将apk文件安装到移动设备。
使用Kivy框架,将应用程序打包成apk非常简单。 通过按照本文提供的步骤设置构建环境,准备应用程序,并构建apk,您可以轻松地将应用程序打包为apk文件,以供移动设备用户使用。