



package josephus


* pTitle: Josephus/p

* pDescription: This is a algorithm to display Josephus/p

* pCopyright: Copyright (c) 2007/p

* pCompany: BHL/p

* @author Linpeizhong

* @version 1.0


import javax.swing.JLabel;

import javax.swing.border.Border;

import java.awt.Color;

import javax.swing.BorderFactory;

import java.awt.SystemColor;


class Node {

int flag; //序号

Node next; //指针

int mima; //密码

JLabel jLabel; //拥有的标签


public Node(int m, int n, JLabel jLabel) {

flag = m;

mima = n;

this.jLabel = jLabel;




public class MainSrc {


int s = 12;


int cs = 0;


int a[] = new int[s];


MainApplet mainApplet;


Border border, border2;


public MainSrc(int a[], int cs, MainApplet mainApplet) {

this.a = a;

this.cs = cs;

this.mainApplet = mainApplet;





public void init() {




border = BorderFactory.createLineBorder(Color.red, 10);


border2 = BorderFactory.createLineBorder(SystemColor.controlText, 1);


int m1 = a[0], m2 = 0, m3 = cs;


Node a1 = new Node(1, m1, mainApplet.jLabels[0]);


Node index = a1;


for (int i = 2; i = s; i++) { //初始化每个人


m2 = a[i - 1];


index.next = new Node(i, m2, mainApplet.jLabels[i - 1]);


index = index.next;



* 最后一个节点的指针域指向节点a1,这样就构造出了一个带有节点Node的循环单链表


index.next = a1;


for (int i = 0; i  s; i++) {

for (int j = 0; j  m3 - 1; j++) {

index = index.next;


for (int z = 0; z  mainApplet.jLabels.length; z++) {






try {



catch (InterruptedException ex1) {









try {



catch (InterruptedException ex2) {




System.out.println("第" + index.next.flag + "人出局");


mainApplet.jTextArea1.append(index.next.flag + "  ");



try {



catch (InterruptedException ex) {



m3 = index.next.mima;


index.next = index.next.next;



for (int z = 0; z  mainApplet.jLabels.length; z++) {
















package 约瑟夫环;

import java.util.LinkedList;

import java.util.List;


* 约瑟夫环问题的一种描述是:编号为1.2.3…….n的n个人按顺时针方向围坐一圈 ,每人手持一个密码(正整数),

* 开始任意选一个整数作为报数上限值,从第一个人开始顺时针自1开始顺序报数,报到m时停止报数。报m的人出列,

* 将他的密码作为新的m值,从他顺时针下一个人开始重新从1开始报数,

* 如此下去直到所有的人全部都出列为止。试设计程序实现,按照出列的顺序打印各人的编号。

* @author Administrator



public class Question2 {

class person {

int password;

int number;

int state = 1;

public person(int password, int number) {

this.password = password;

this.number = number;


public person(int number){

this.number = number;



public int ListLength(Listperson list) {

int count = 0;

if (list != null) {

for (person p : list) {

if (p.state != 0) {





return count;


public void cacle() {

// 初始化数据

Listperson list = new LinkedListperson();

list.add(new person(3,1));

list.add(new person(1,2));

list.add(new person(7,3));

list.add(new person(2,4));

list.add(new person(4,5));

list.add(new person(8,6));

list.add(new person(4,7));

int position = -1;//初始位置

int m = 20; //第一次报多少的人出来

int count = 0;//已经报了多少人

while (ListLength(list) != 0) {

position = (position + 1) % list.size();// 位置定位

if (((person) list.get(position)).state != 0) {



if (count == m) {

person p = list.get(position);

System.out.print(p.number+" ");

p.state = 0;

m = p.password;

list.set(position, p);

count = 0;




public static void main(String[] args) {

Question2 q= new Question2();







package Josephround;


public class Joseround {

    int sit;

    int flagjo=0;


    Joseround(int x){



    void setflag(int x){





package Josephround;


public class Inijose {

    Joseround jo[];

    static int length=0;


    Inijose(int x){

        jo=new Joseround[x];

        for(int i=0;ix;i++){

            jo[i]=new Joseround(i+1);//创建对象数组




    void delete(int n){

        for(int i=n;ilength-1;i++){







package Josephround;


import java.util.Scanner;


public class Text {


    public static void main(String[] args) {

        int m,n;

        System.out.println("input m");

        Scanner m1=new Scanner(System.in);


        System.out.println("input n");

        Scanner n1=new Scanner(System.in);


        int temp=0;

        int x=0;

        Inijose joseph=new Inijose(n);


            for(int i=1;i=m;i++){







                if(xjoseph.length-1) x++;

                else x=0;








Java约瑟夫问题: n个人(不同id)围成一个圈,从startId(任意数)个开始报数m(任意数)个数,数m的人出列排成新队列,m清零,然后又从下一个人开始数m个数开始,数到m就出列接在新队列尾部,如此重复,知道所有人都出列为止。

package list;

import java.util.ArrayList;

* 打印 出列后的新队列


* eg

* int n = 10;//总人数

* int m = 3;   //报数个数

* int startIndex = 1;  //起点位置

* @author Hulk   2014  03 20



public class JosephListTest {

public static void main(String[] args) {

long startTime = System.currentTimeMillis();

JosephListTest test = new JosephListTest();

int n = 10; //总人数

int m = 3; //报数个数

int startIndex = 12; //起点位置

System.out.println("JosephListTest: n= " + n + ", m= " + m +

", startIndex= " + startIndex + "\n\nQUEUE RESULT:");

ArrayListPerson queueList = test.queuePreson(n, m, startIndex);

for (Person person : queueList) {

System.out.println("OUT person: " + person);


System.out.println("use time= " +

(System.currentTimeMillis() - startTime));


private ArrayListPerson queuePreson(int n, int m, int startIndex) {

ArrayListPerson queueList = null;

PersonList list = createList(n);


if ((list != null)  (list.head != null)) {

queueList = new ArrayListJosephListTest.Person();

PNode pNode = list.head;

if (startIndex  0) {

startIndex = startIndex % n;

pNode = list.getNode(startIndex);

} else {

pNode = list.head;


int count = 1;

while (list.size  0) {

Person outPerson = null;


if (count == (m - 1)) {

//delete next node

Person prev = pNode.person;

outPerson = list.remove(prev);


//System.out.println("OUT person: " + outPerson + ", size= " + list.size);

count = 0;


pNode = pNode.next;




return queueList;


private PersonList createList(int n) {

PersonList list = new PersonList();

for (int i = 0; i  n; i++) {

Person person = new Person(i, "name_" + (i + 1));

list.add(i, person);


return list;


public class PersonList {

PNode head = null;

int size = 0;

public PersonList() {


public PersonList(Person person) {

head = new PNode(person, head);



public PersonList(PNode head) {

this.head = head;




public PNode getHead() {

return head;


public void setHead(PNode head) {

this.head = head;


public int getSize() {

return size;


public void setSize(int size) {

this.size = size;


public void size(int size) {

this.size = size;


public boolean isEmpty() {

return this.size = 0;


public void initHead(Person person) {

if (size == 0) {

head = new PNode(person, head);

} else {

PNode no = head;

head = new PNode(person, no);




public void add(int index, Person person) {

if (size == 0) {

head = new PNode(person, head);


//System.out.println("head: " + head);

} else {

if (index  0) {

index = 0;


if (index  size) {

index = size;


PNode no = head;

for (int i = 0; i  (index - 1); i++) {

no = no.next;


PNode newNode = new PNode(person, no.next);

no.next = newNode;




public Person delete(int index) {

PNode pNode = remove(index);

if ((pNode != null)  (pNode.next != null)) {

return pNode.next.person;


return null;


public PNode remove(int index) {

if (size == 0) {

return null;

} else {

if ((index  0) || (index = size)) {

return null;



PNode no = head;

for (int i = 0; i  (index - 1); i++) {

no = no.next;


no.next = no.next.next;


if ((no != null)  (no.next != null)) {

return no.next;


return null;



* remove next node of person node, and return the deleted person

* @param prePerson

* @return  removed Person


public Person remove(Person prePerson) {

if (prePerson == null) {

return null;


if (size == 0) {

return null;


PNode preNode = head;

int index = -1;

for (int i = 0; i  size; i++) {

if (preNode.person.id == prePerson.id) {

index = i;


} else {

preNode = preNode.next;



Person remPerson = null;

if (size = 1) {

//only one node, get its person and set it as null

remPerson = preNode.person;

preNode = null;

} else {

//preNode.next.person is dest one

remPerson = preNode.next.person;

preNode.next = preNode.next.next;



//System.out.println("deleteing index= " + index + " :  " + remPerson + ", size= " + size);

return remPerson;


public int update(Person src, Person dest) {

if (src == null) {

return -1;


int index = -1;

PNode no = head;

for (int i = 0; i  size; i++) {

if (src.id == no.person.id) {

no.person = dest;


} else {

no = no.next;



return index;


public boolean set(int index, Person person) {

if (person == null) {

return false;


if (size == 0) {

return false;

} else {

if ((index  0) || (index = size)) {

return false;



PNode no = head;

for (int i = 0; i  index; i++) {

no = no.next;


no.person = person;

return true;


public Person get(int index) {

PNode no = getNode(index);

if (no != null) {

return no.person;


return null;


public PNode getNode(int index) {

if (size == 0) {

return null;

} else {

if ((index  0) || (index = size)) {

return null;



PNode no = head;

for (int i = 0; i  index; i++) {

no = no.next;


return no;


public void search() {

int sizeLong = size;

PNode no = head;

for (int i = 0; i  sizeLong; i++) {

System.out.println("search index= " + i + ",   " + no);

no = no.next;




public class PNode {

Person person;

PNode next = null;

public PNode() {


public PNode(Person person) {

this.person = person;


public PNode(Person person, PNode next) {

this.person = person;

this.next = next;



public String toString() {

return "PNode [person=" + person.id + ", next=" + next.person.id +



public Person getPerson() {

return person;


public void setPerson(Person person) {

this.person = person;


public PNode getNext() {

return next;


public void setNext(PNode next) {

this.next = next;



public class Person {

int id = 0;

String name = "";

public Person() {


public Person(int id, String name) {


this.id = id;

this.name = name;



public String toString() {

return "Person [id=" + id + ", name=" + name + "]";


